DJ Controller Rentals

In the world of VanDJs DJing, the DJ controller rentals company you use plays a significant role in the quality of your performance. DJs have been using turntables for decades, but the introduction of DJ controllers has revolutionized the industry. In this article, we will discuss the role of DJ controllers over turntables and compare the top brands in the market – Pioneer, Numark, and Vestax.


The world of DJing has been transformed by technological advancements, and DJ controllers have played a significant role in this. These devices have become increasingly popular over the years, and DJs now have the option to use them instead of traditional turntables. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using DJ controllers over turntables and compare the top brands in the market – Pioneer, Numark, and Vestax.

Traditional Turntables

Turntables have been the go-to device for DJs for decades. They are simple devices that use vinyl records to produce music. DJs can use them to scratch, mix, and blend tracks to create unique sounds. However, turntables come with their own set of limitations. For example, they require a significant amount of maintenance and are susceptible to wear and tear.

DJ Controllers

DJ controllers are digital devices that allow DJs to control and manipulate music using software. They have become increasingly popular over the years due to their ease of use and versatility. DJs can use them to mix tracks, apply effects, and loop music. They are also more durable than traditional turntables and require less maintenance.


Pioneer is a well-known brand in the world of DJing. The company has been at the forefront of technological advancements in the industry and has released a range of high-quality DJ controllers. Their DJ controllers offer a wide range of features, including built-in effects, touch-sensitive jog wheels, and customizable layouts. They are also compatible with a wide range of DJ software.


Numark is another popular brand in the world of DJing. The company has been producing DJ equipment for over four decades and has established itself as a leader in the market. Their DJ controllers offer a range of features, including high-resolution displays, responsive touch strips, and multiple inputs and outputs. They are also designed to work seamlessly with popular DJ software.


Vestax is a Japanese company that has been producing high-quality DJ equipment since 1977. They are known for their high-end DJ controllers, which offer a range of advanced features. Their DJ controllers feature a range of input and output options, customizable jog wheels, and built-in effects. They are also designed to work with a range of DJ software.

Advantages of Using DJ Controllers over Turntables

There are several advantages to using DJ controllers over turntables. First, they are more durable and require less maintenance than traditional turntables. They are also more versatile and offer a wider range of features, including built-in effects and touch-sensitive jog wheels. Additionally, DJ controllers are more compact and easier to transport than traditional turntables.

Disadvantages of Using DJ Controllers over Turntables

Despite their many advantages, there are some disadvantages to using DJ controllers over turntables. First, some DJs argue that the tactile feel of vinyl records is irreplaceable and that using a digital device takes away from the authenticity of DJing. Additionally, DJ controllers can be more expensive than traditional turntables, and they require a computer to operate.


In conclusion, DJ controllers have become a popular alternative to traditional turntables in the world of DJing. They offer a range of advantages, including durability, versatility, and ease of use. However, they also come with their own set of limitations.

VanDJs Have A Variety Of DJ Controller Rentals To Choose From

  • Numark NS7
  • Numark Mixdecks 3
  • Numark Mixdecks
  • Vestax Spin